Linkin park - hands held high
Så sjukt bra text har dom på sina låtar dom där Linkin parkarna. Den här handlar väl mer eller mindre om att man bara är uppmärksam på olyckor när dom väl händer en själv, men att hela världen är dränkt i hemskheter varje dag. Fast å andra sidan tycker jag, att när det nu är så, att det finns hemskheter överallt, vem skulle klara av att tänka på det hela tiden men veta att man inte kan göra så mycket?
Här är texten från andra versen och framåt av låten i alla fall (och fasen nu kom jag på att det kommer bli skitfult eftersom min blogg inte vill ha mellanrum mellan raderna :( buhu men ni överlever.. annars kan ni ju låta bli att läsa bara):
Cause when it gets tense I know what might happen
World is cold the bold men take action
Have to react or get blown into fractions
Ten years old it's something to see
Another kid my age drugged under a jeep
Taken and bound and found later under a tree
I wonder if he had thought the next one could be me
Do you see the soldiers they're out today
They brush the dust from bullet proof vests away
It's ironic at times like this you pray
But a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday
There's bombs in the buses, bikes, roads
Inside your market, your shops, your clothes
My dad he's got a lot of fear I know
But enough pride inside not to let that show
My brother had a book he would hold with pride
A little red cover with a broken spine
On the back, he hand-wrote a quote inside
When the rich wage war it's the poor who die
Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day
both scared and angry like "what did he say?"
With hands held high into the sky so blue,
As the ocean opens up to swallow you.